Friday, July 18, 2014

June in Review

I am so late in this!!!!

I know a photo is worth a 1,000 words, but they really only tell you some of the story.

What Peyton Loves Right Now:
His new cups, which are exactly like mine, but smaller. :)

What I love right now:

He may not be very verbal now, but he speaks his own language- very expressively lol

Biggest struggles:
We have started in on the biting stage. He tries to bite us or toys that don't cooperate lol
We also have*mini* tantrums lol
He protests by squatting

Height: 33 inches... about 
Weight: 26 pounds
Clothes Size: 24month/2T
Diaper Size: 4's

Next month-  yeah in a few days, I promise to do much better!

Did I just sweep there?  Yes, but thank you for dumping CJ's dish over on the clean floor lol