Peyton's new thing is to stamp his foot when he wants something.
He has learned to drink through a straw= me losing my shakes and Icees lol
Standing by himself.
We celebrated my gamma's 93rd birthday.
Peyton helping us by feeding the dog.
I got my haircut.
Dinner with Gamma.
Dadda, what are the Wild?
We got our family photos taken at a place called Bookworm Gardens.
We bought a toy for a friend, well Peyton's Godparents daughter, and he swiped this toy
off of the play mat !
The frog back:
Trying to crawl is such hard work!!!
Dinner at GiGi's on Wednesdays.
First photo month shot which he sitting up :}
Months 1-10
He's not mobile yet, thank goodness :)
He has two teeth.
He can pull himself up from the floor to standing by the couch.
He can pull himself from a seated position to standing in his crib,
plus he can stand unassisted in his crib for 5 seconds!