Friday, December 7, 2012

Black Friday... dark Thursday Shopping

I went shopping with 3 of my sorority sisters, we started out Thanksgiving night.

What was different about this trip is
1) this is the first time that I have gone with these girls- normally I just hear about their wild time the following day because Randy and I usually go shopping.  He is thankful that he doesn't have to go! I have only missed one Black Friday since I can remember and that was when I had my hip surgery.

2) of the 4 of us going, 3 of us have recently given birth so we are all going to have to pump!

Trying out chairs at Staples :}

Friday, November 30, 2012

Last Week in November

We had a visit from my sorority sister and her two children.
They brought these awesome gifts.

I went shopping and got all these clothes for under $30!!!
4 shirts
4 pair of pants
I have tons of shirts, but only a few pants.

We got 2 new guinea pigs.
CJ loves them!

I reversed my phone so we were looking at ourselves!

You must look closely see his long hair in the back.

I am getting ready for some football, Go Cowboys!!!!!!
Thanks to Eva for the clothes :}

Exploring job opportunities at the tire shop while we get 4 new tires on the truck (ouch)
Credit card was expired... lol they were a little mad, but what was I to do?!?!?!?

Oh well, go to school to get a card from my mom.
Took a long time because all the teachers needed to meet you! 

I love love this outfit of course.  It is from my cousin Faith.
The book is so cute- I turned to the page that said
 "Giving a bottle, is like outsourcing"
I had to chuckle a little :}

This is what my night/day looks like to feed the baby.
I am really trying to get a better schedule, like going to bed at 8.
I don't want to wake up my DH before he has to actually get up.
So if I get up at 5, I can be back in bed and asleep before he has to get up for school.
Although one day last week, I slept for 5 straight hours 
(this was before I had to feed the baby every 3 hours)
I turned over in bed and noticed DH was gone- I looked at the clock and it said 7 am, 
I couldn't understand why he was up, I sent him a text asking if he was okay,
told me that he had to fix his hair-
I still didn't understand why he was up so early fixing his hair on
a Saturday, then I realized that it was a weekday lol

The shirt came from my Godmother, Jennifer.

I have a chick on my arm and I can curl a cow with my left arm.

Here are some freebies that I have gotten recently.
The bottle is HUGE!
We used it and it seems that a lot of formula comes out the side of P's mouth. :(
4 packets of wipes
Nectresse- is a sugar sweetener
Airbone- 4 little samples
Big Hunk- it is like nougat taffy
turkey jerky- not a fan of that at all 
Pedia-lax- it is a pro biotic
dove- deodorant great for traveling... well guess I will save that for a while lol

Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Getting ready for Thanksgiving

We are thankful for Tank being Peyton's protector.

Thankful for a co-worker Sarah, for the brand new clothes she gave us.

AND for all of these clothes!!!!!!! 
Look closer, she even gave us Baby Shox (one of Randy's favorite shoes)
I feel a scrapbook page coming on! 

Here is CJ- wondering why she thinks this is comfy???

Randy put on his hat, then later, much later discovered an added bonus inside lol

Smooshed in his swing.

Peyton and his protector, Tank.

We had a huge scare last week with Tank.
We really didn't think that he would make it through the night.
Peyton and I slept downstairs with Tank just to make sure. 

We took Tank into the vet, but he was already acting 100 times better than the night before.
Tank is 10 and a half years old.
We think it had to do with the drastic change in the weather- change in 30+ degrees.

Next week, stay tuned for our Thanksgiving outfits :}

Wednesday, November 14, 2012

November 14th- no clever title

Froggy outfit and froggy blanket

 I love this photo- with his one hand up like
"Listen up here fools"

First bath at home:
 Yep, talk to the hand!

Gifts from Randy's school:

Me and baby :}

Thanks to my Godmother for my Muppets jammies.

I've had one h*ll of a day!  lol

Hummmmm........  let me think about that for a while.

Saturday, November 3, 2012

Newborn photo shoot

We had professional photos taken of Peyton this week, here is a preview:

I just love her work!

Check out her website:

Wednesday, October 31, 2012

October photos

Our adventure home-

Tank is meeting Peyton for the first time.

 Meeting CJ for the first time.

As much as things change, they also stay the same.

It is Tank on the couch behind the baby.


Tank is checking on Peyton.

I think this is hilarious... the look on Peyton's face is priceless!!

I am wondering how he fit in me, being 21 inches and all, 
I am shocked!

A present from my Godparents.

Happy Halloween from our pumpkin to yours!

More Halloween photos to follow :}

Saturday, October 20, 2012

Week 40 officially

How far along? 40 weeks today- it is his actual due date......
Maternity clothes? Sometimes- I figure that I better wear them all of the time because I won't be pregnant for very much longer.
Stretch marks? Nope :}
Sleep: Been okay, get up once per night
Best moment this week: Shopping at my mom's house :}

Miss Anything? Being able to eat whatever I want whenever I want!
Movement: Yep, all of the time :}
Food cravings: Apparently I am back to salads lol
Anything making you queasy or sick: nope :}
Gender: Boy

Labor Signs:  Nope :( Although my back has been hurting and the couch and heating pad have been my best friend the last few days.  Not back labor either lol
Belly Button in or out? Still in :}
Wedding rings on or off? Still on :}

Happy or Moody most of the time: Pretty happy
Looking forward to: Meeting my little man sometime soon!!!

So I made this sign for the basket called "Nurse Bait"  It has a cute little poem- I plan to put candy in there-  we bought one bag of candy but it kind of disappeared lol  Bought another bag- had to hide it lol  

Bags are packed and in my truck- I hope to remember to bring my pillow and heating pad.... 

Friday, October 19, 2012

Shopping at home

So in case you have joined my life more recently, you might not know that I have wanted to be a mom forever.  I went to my mom's house to see if there were any baby related things there, namely the very first baby related item DH ever bought me- it was a frog carseat cover.  I had him search our own home first with no luck.  So I headed over to my mother's house.  Well there I found two huge boxes, over 3 feet tall, full of baby items.  I even found a receipt from 1994!!!!!  Everything that was in those boxes were still in the box!!!

Thankfully I did find the frog carseat cover, but I brought home some other treasures as well.

I found a calendar for McBaby's first year.  I am not sure that the stickers will still stick, but I'll glue them on if all else fails!  It doesn't have months or numbers on each of the pages just empty boxes.

A photo frame that says I get my good looks from my mommy!

Two stuffed animals, a fitted sheet, a abc blanket, some sort of toy, a huge container with toiletries, and a bath bag with frogs- inside there was a towel, washcloth, toy and a finger puppet. :}

Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Things to Do

There are still some things that need to get done before the baby arrives...  I am not sure what I am waiting for! lol

I still have to make a scrapbook layout for any visitors to sign.

Well I started this chart at school, when one of my students asked what it was for I told her, but she thought I was joking....  I was not!!  lol

I still have to make my thank you cards for my shower... yes they will be hand stamped by me of course! lol

I worked on McBaby's birth announcements.  I am not stamping the cards, but I will stamp the envelopes :}

I need to work on the Nurse Bait basket- I have the basket and the candy- although the candy seems to have gotten legs and walked away... someone got hungry and it wasn't me lol

I need to get my iPod and put some white noise on it- tomorrow I hope. :}

It was another happy mail day or should I say mail days!!
I got this book one day and this fun frog bath toy the next!  Thanks to my friend Charlotte and family :}

Sunday, October 14, 2012

Happy Mail day!!!

It was a happy mail day again, this time from my Aunt Sky and family :}

How adorable is that owl sweater????!?!?!?!?
I have never heard of the book, but love the author and that there is purple in the title.

Just the other day my niece Eva had to stop over to share
two huge bags of baby gifts.

DH got the privilege of opening the gifts as I was at a Pampered Chef meeting.

I think McBaby will be the best dressed baby on the block with all these awesome clothes.

In the upper left hand corner are some 12 month onesies and then a dino sleeper with dino slippers!
There are also some sleepers with frogs on them too!
A very soft sports blanket.
Several pairs of pants and some super cute onesies that go with the pants.
Plus 2 pacifiers- one that is a thermometer and one that dispenses medications! 
DH thought those were the coolest!

Friday, October 12, 2012

Week 39 or 40

How far along? 39 or 40

Maternity clothes? Some if I just want to look pregnant.  I am still fitting into my regular clothes :}
Stretch marks? Nope :}

Miss Anything? Finally, I figured out something- runny eggs lol I used to love sunny side up eggs, then I moved to over easy eggs over my grits (yes I am a Southern gal) but now I have to have over-hard... ehhhhhh.
Food cravings: all of the foods that I am not allowed to have lol

Happy or Moody most of the time: Still happy :}

Sleep: Well I was on a roll for a while again sleeping through the night, but alas, that has ended :{
Best moment this week: We got a ton accomplished- we brought in our outdoor furniture and cleaned out the garage. Brought in baby things from the garage. My gramma finished making the baby his curtains. 

Movement:  Oh yes, I heard that he should be slowing down, but I am not sure that is the case lol

Anything making you queasy or sick: yes actually not eating!!  What a change from the beginning!!
Gender: Boy

Labor Signs: None

Symptoms: D*mn swollen ankles- the only part of me that was skinny!!! 
Belly Button in or out? Still in :}
Wedding rings on or off? Still tons of room- I know I'm not allowed to wear them in the hospital but it will be awfully weird without them on.  I think I will wear them, then give them to DH to hold on to, now to find a small ring bag to put in his pocket.  Leaving my rings at home when I have to go to the hospital will be the last thing on my mind!!!

Looking forward to:  Being comfortable- the baby is still growing and I am running out of room!!!

McBaby and I  got a package in the mail!
 When I finally opened all of the gifts, here's what we got:

A bunch of comfy clothes- my favorite was the blue outfit in the lower right hand side- it is super soft!
Little Willie picked out the duckies!
Biscuit book was Miss Monica's favorite series.
Curious George was Little Willie's pick and Hop on Pop was Vicky's pick. 

I am very thankful for thoughtful friends.