Monday, December 28, 2009

December 28th

There was a BIG HUGE sale at the scrapbook store! Everything was 50% off!!!!! I picked up my friend and we were there at the opening!

I love the Muppets. I will frame these and hang them on the wall.
Music paper, ticket paper - for all the movies we see, then cookie paper for the cookie exchange I go to every year, plus a purple scrapbook!!!!

Stickers: for Virginia, spa, 80's themed, rock stage- for Rock Band, dog themed ones, plus a washer set for my brand new washer.

Sunday, December 6, 2009

December 5, 2009

This photo cracks me up. If he could talk, I am sure he would say "Puuuuulllleeeeaaaassseeeeeeee" lol

December 3, 2009

Day three of snow :( Not that this is a lot or anything, but I still dislike the white stuff.

December 1, 2009

Had to take Skylar to the vet, again :( This was taken before we went into the office. The story doesn't end there. She was going to have surgery to fix something minor (a gash) but they wouldn't do surgery because her liver count) or something was elevated. It is supposed to be under 12. Well her's was over 400!!!! YIKES Even after tons of tests, they still don't know what is wrong with her :( Good news is that in under a month, she has gained 23 pounds!!! The doc thinks it is IBS. She is still eating, drinking, and going to the bathroom.

Monday, November 9, 2009

November 9, 2009

I uploaded some videos of Skylar as a puppy on Facebook. In the first photo she is watching the video and later we were looking at her baby photos. This was of course, after I found out that she chewed on my poor pink camera. I can't use some of the buttons - I so need a new camera. Anyone have any recommendations?

November 7, 2009

On Saturday, I took this photo of the thermometer in the car. We had been out and about and not just sitting in the sun :) Who would have thought that temp in November!?!?!?!?!?!?!

Thursday, August 13, 2009

August 13th

There was a fire at a local gym. We could smell the smoke all the way to our house. More photos on my facebook account.

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

August 12th

We went to visit our friends and then we went out for dinner at Texas Roadhouse.

We shared an onion plus the bread which was gobbled up before we placed our drink order!!!

I had BBQ Chicken with salad and loaded mashed potatoes.
Randy had two pork chops, potatoes with brown gravy, and veggies.
Curt had salad, and beef tips, and mashed potatoes.
Theresa had a magarita, steak and sweet potato with marshmallows and syrup.

August 11th

Tuesday's are my grandmother's night to cook dinner. This week, we all were there. We tried to go to this place, but they were closed! lol

So we went to the same resturant as last week, we even got the same server and she remembered us!!

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

August 10th

Steak from Miesfeld's, baked potatoes, and baked beans.

August 9th

This is turning out to be Randy's favorite dish. Brown Butter Ham, green peppers, and cheese filled Tortellini.

August 8th

Tank not happy to pose for me.

August 7th

This was a RAK I got through VC Rocks group.

August 6th

One of the games on Wii Sports Resort is 100 pin bowling. There are 100 pins on each frame of bowling.

August 5th

A new recipe for this month. It is Loaded Baked Potato soup from Pampered Chef. It is so stinking easy- it will blow your mind!!!

Please email me for my website with the recipe!

August 4th

Gramma's turn to cook- she took us out for dinner. Randy was sick (a whole other story) so he didn't attend. My mother actually wanted to get dessert! It was fresh strawberry torte! Grandma cut the piece into 4 pieces. We each had a section. The last section sat there - gramma and I had to finish it. Bonus photo that my gramma is actually smiling!!!!!!

August 3rd

Tank snuggling on the same pillow- different day!

August 2nd

Skylar curled up on my purple pillow. She is so small - soon not so small! :(

August 1st

Happy birthday Grandma. She turned 89 this year!!!!She still delivers Meals on Wheels to the "old"people!!

July 31st

This is Randy's idea of breakfast in bed!

July 30th

Scrapping Randy's Tae Kwon Do photos.

July 29th

This was outside of our hotel. The room was $400 a NIGHT!! More photos on my Facebook account if you want to see more of the room or the awesome food!!

July 28th

Went to a Reading Symposium at Hamburger University. We ate with the big-wigs at Person. It was so yummy!!!

July 27th

Happy birthday Mom, I mean sister! We had a yummy dimmer at Applebee's. We started with yummy drinks.

Here is the scrapbook layout that I made from the night.

July 26th

I made watermelon pops. I remember when I was growing up, my mom made these. I am continuing in her footsteps. This is so easy. Cut up watermelon, pop it in a blender. Blend. Pour into popsicle makers. Freeze. Eat!!!!

July 25th

Skylar needs to touch someone- even it is CJ.

July 24th

I went to an At Home America Party

July 23rd

Looking at getting new furniture. The stuff we have now is falling apart. The couch and love seat that we have gets used everyday. My grandmother bought the set for us. The sofa has two recliners, but is very uncomfortable if you need to sleep across it.

July 22nd

This is the wasp nest-- or some winged creature that decided to make its home in my front bush. No wonder Randy got stung by a bee (or whatever lived there.)

July 21st

I went out to luch with my friend Phyllis and her granddaughter- who was my student this year.

July 20th

This is my dentist's office.

July 19th

I made caramel puff corn. The regular puff corn is addicting - this is just as bad!

So in addition to my 365 challenge of taking a photo each and every day. I also resolved to make at least one new recipe a month. This is one of those recipes :)

July 18th

Randy playing with Skylar. He is just faking, but she really did bite him lol She hasn't learned to be gental like Tank yet.

July 17th

Randy and I were just driving around town and came across this little boat. lol

July 16th

Skylar graduated from her third puppy class. She did an excellent job, we are all so proud of her.

July 15th

Randy went to the clinic because he didn't feel good. They tested for the Swine Flu - so they made him put on a mask! He started coughing on purpose- so they brought him back sooner ranter than later lol

July 14th

Gramma's turn to cook. We went to the Highland House for dinner.

July 13th

Another home cooked meal. Pampered Chef recipe - fruited rice.

July 10th

My friend Vicky's kids playing the Wii.

July 12th

Jose and family came over to go swimming. Jose's daughter is trying to take my photo while I am taking their photo.

July 11th

Seuss items that I got at Target. Finally after calling for over two weeks!

July 9th

Skylar at puppy class. She is such a silly dog. Just lays there. :) This was for a 3 minute down stay.

July 8th

Skylar trying to fit on the couch with Randy.

July 7th

Tank chillin out on his bed.

July 6th

Slylar pooped on the deck. :) She gets tired chasing CJ.